About Us
Hi Guys
I'm Kim, Owner and Designer of Paper Soul Design.
First launched in 2015, my indie biz initially started out designing Wedding Stationery with a difference. In 2020 I expand the business by offering Greeting Cards and Prints. Most recently we have launched Soul Clothing which incorporates our feel good vibes through suitable fashion.
I've always loved being creative and my business has allowed me to express this. I love a good dose of fun and hope this comes across in everything I design.
Here at PSD we want to provide light hearted products that bring fun and humour to people and their homes. We are also conscious of our little world too, so aim to be as eco-friendly as possible by using recycled and recyclable materials and packaging.
I really do hope you love our stuff and I'm always grateful for feedback. Please spread the PSD love by sharing our stuff and telling a friend. You guys really are the bread to my butter in this indie biz world!
Happy shopping peeps
PSD xx